IT Security & Intrusion Services
The requirement for data security, from the moment it is acquired until the time it is destroyed, affects every organization and is a critical part of the life cycle of computer or server. Data security encompasses not only the physical security of the device, but also the passwords and methods used to access it and all E-Discovery issues that can arise from use or misuse of the data.
We have also worked closely with attorneys, receivers, and business owners on E-Discovery issues. Our most notable case was involvement with the Pricewert / 3FN case in Northern California.
Attorneys and business owners have brought us in on cases of economic or industrial espionage where they need need knowlegable computer forensic services.
For example, we were brought in after an executive asked one of his employees to help him configure his new smart phone. He had given the employee his username and password to get his email setup to be received on the phone and didn't think twice about...until a few months later when he realized she'd used his information to give herself access to receive all of his emails as well. We were called in for three purposes. First to help the company determine, to the extent possible, how great the breach and possible loss of proprietary information was. Second to gather the information and documentation needed for the company to move forward with terminating her and the possibility of a criminal or civil prosecution. Third to lock down and immediately stop any further security breaches that may have been occurring and provide information on any areas where the current practices might result in future compromised data.
A second example was when a long term, well liked and valued employee gave notice to leave the company. Management is sad to see such a valued employee go and wished her the best of luck, thinking only of the daunting task of replacing her. A few weeks later management is made aware that she is now attempting to poach away their best assets, their clients, using proprietary information gathered while working for them. We were called in to determine what could be documented about her access to this documentation and to assist with tracking email communications she was believed to have had with her new employer prior to leaving. In a case like this, where the company has everything to lose, they need to be secure in knowing they'd put appropriate security measures in place. That even if the employee had in some way destroyed the hard drive, or deleted all their email, that there is a secure backup from which to reconstruct her activities. In this case there had been a certain number of concealment measures taken by the employee prior to leaving, but because we had previously installed a complete and secure backup system much of what was destroyed was recovered and the company was able to move forward with civil and criminal options as they deamed appropriate.
These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to technology and security of your company's data. It spans from the precautionary measures of having a firewall and quality up-to-date anti-virus protections running to the tracking of malicious intrusions and destroyed data. Here attorneys and business owners alike need to have a skilled computer and Internet forensics company on their side.
Top Speed also provides data recovery services. Data recovery starts with the preventative measures taken to make sure if data is lost, a hard drive fails, theft, or natural disaster occurs, your data is securely backed up and there to be restored. In the case of a hard drive failure where the data has not been backed up we have partnered with the best recovery experts out there.
Would you know what to do if any of these occurred at your business?
- Employee discovered viewing CEO's email on their personal device?
- Terminated employee attempting to destroy a hard drive?
- Spike in Internet usage during non-business hours?
- Former employee believed to be in possession of proprietary company data?
- Other E-Discovery issues?
Top Speed has seen all of these and many more. You can trust in our knowledge and years of experience to help you manage any technology security or intrusion issues.